Sunday, September 14, 2014

Rose Hydrating Eye Gel

Hello, friends!

It has been FAR too long, and although I haven't written, I have been very busy!

I've been on a mission for the past year to make my own skin-care products, and things started off really well!  My skin was loving all of the coconut oil and shea butter I was using...but then spring and summer hit, and my skin went haywire!  I stuck with my products, because I believe in them.  But still, how long am I willing to suffer with acne like I'm still a teenager? Not terribly long.  I'm pushing 40, for crying out loud!  So, for the time being, I'm on a commercial acne regimen, with commercial moisturizer until my skin clear up.  Then, I'll slowly go back to my 100% natural, home made products.

I have, however, just made an AMAZING moisturizing eye gel!

I was inspired by a sample I received from Sephora in a recent order, but refuse to pay the ridiculous prices for something I'm positive I can make myself.  I even had nearly all of the ingredients already, so with Amazon at my beck and call, I ordered the Goldenseal and Rosehip seed oil, and waited an excruciating two days for delivery.  Haha!

Today was the day, and here are the instructions:

  1. In a double-boiler, heat 3 Tbsp aloe gel, and all other ingredients until the cocoa butter is melted, stirring frequently.
  2. Remove from heat and allow to cool for about 10 minutes.
  3. Add the last table spoon of aloe gel, and mix with an electric hand mixer until smooth and lotion-like.
  4. The mixure will be light yellow in color, due to the goldenroot liquid. I added a single, small drop of red food coloring to turn mine pink (don't worry, it doesn't turn your skin pink!).

That's it!  It's been four hours since I applied it to the skin around my eyes, and I was very impressed with the immediate reduction in "baggage," and even now can feel that the skin is soft and smooth.

I'm hoping to write more often now that fall is just around the corner.  I've been perfecting a skin soothing, clarifying facial mask, and will soon be working on Tiger Balm for sore joints and muscles.  And with winter coming, I'd like to get started on some home remodeling...helloooo cabinets and floors!!  :)

Until next time...

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Small Bathroom Renovation #2

Greetings, fellow friends, family, and DIY'ers!  I've received a lot of complimentary emails on the first bathroom renovation I did almost a year ago now, and was inspired to try it again.

My husband and I have two daughters who share a relatively small bathroom (the teen years are going to be scary!), and it was in great need of an overhaul.  I don't have any "before" pictures, likely because it has never been worthy of pictures...until now.  Ha!  So, I'll share my experience and process for re-doing this bathroom after I finally realized I should probably be photo-documenting.  :)

Plain old, boring, colorless bathroom
Yep, I've said it before... we've lived in this house for over nine (NINE!) years, and haven't done a shred of painting or decorating.  It's in my blood somewhere... some of my family members are BRILLIANT decorators, but it's been laying dormant in me for 29+ years (yes, 29+... a girl can never reveal her true age, can she?).  Well, thanks to Pinterest, I've learned how to DIY like never before, and have been more inspired than ever in my life to make my family's home something by glorious room.

All painted and put back together!

No one has ever accused me of being great at photo-documenting... It probably would have helped if I'd asked someone else to take the pictures while I was painting.  Once I got started, it was impossible to stop! Seriously, I turned on the Glee sound tracks and sang and sang and sang until the bead board was hung, and everything was painted. 

Wood stain color is Rustoleum "Kona"

The cute towel hook piece was too heavy to hang directly into the sheet rock, and of COURSE the brackets were not spaced at the correct distance to mount in the studs... So, off to Lowe's I went, in search of the perfect board to mount into the studs, and then from which to mount the awesome towel hooks!

 Beadboard wainscoting...nice touch!

Not sure if you can see the vanity... but it's that standard "yellow" oak that is so often in every room in homes... and it's awful!  So, before I could really say I was done, the vanity needed some attention.

I used the same stain on the vanity as I did for the shower hook board:  Rustoleum "Kona."  It's my absolute FAVORITE stain!

All done!  This is now my favorite room in the house...for now.  Since the vanity turned out so well, and really wasn't all that difficult, I think I might tackle either the master bathroom or (dun dun dunnnnn) the kitchen next.  

Thanks for visiting today... I hope my meager efforts can help to inspire those out there who want to DIY but aren't sure they have it in them.  Trust me, you do.  You just need a little inspiration and Pinterest.  :)

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about paint colors or accessories, how-to's, etc.

Till next time, friends!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Oatmeal as a Miracle Beauty Product?

Hi Friends!  I recently posted about how wonderfully excited I am about Spring finally being here in the Great Northwest, and I am still quite sincere about that!  I absolutely LOVE Spring!  Warmer weather, green lawns, lilacs... mmmm... lilacs... they are oh, so fragrant!

With the Spring, though, and that beautiful warmer weather and all it holds in store, also comes the change in our skin.  Our skin has to adjust from the dry, cold air of Winter, and begin adjusting to the sometimes balmy weather of Spring and early Summer.

My skin usually does rather well adjusting.  This year has been another story.  Perhaps its age, but I'm certainly not going to admit that!  And perhaps its stress... yep, stress and changing weather, that's my story and I'll stick to it!

Whatever the cause, I'm suffering from a mild case of eczema.  I haven't had eczema for a good 10 or 11 years, but when it crops up, it refuses to present itself in an inconspicuous place.  Oh noooooo!  It is determined to find the most obvious place on my body and shout from the rooftops "Marcie has eczema!" right from my chinny-chin-chin!

Not my face...but this is what my eczema looked like.

I really shouldn't complain, I know people who struggle with eczema on a daily basis, and it is to those friends I turned when I refused to open the tube of steroid cream and apply that nasty stuff to my face!

Actually, I didn't turn to those friends first (yes, those are horns holding up my halo!)... I tried scrubbing, masking, washing, and THEN the heavy-duty steroid cream.  The steroid cream works great, but only until you stop using it.  And then the eczema comes back with a vengeance.  Nasty stuff, eczema!  The steroid cream doesn't actually heal your skin, it's just a temporary fix... don't do it!!!

Finally, I asked a friend what to do.  She has extremely sensitive skin, and I've seen her skin react to different make-up products or foods... This girl knows how to deal with eczema and make it go away rather than just mask it with steroid creams.

Her recommendation?  OATMEAL!  Yep, plain ol' oatmeal!  We spend soooooo much money on facial products (don't get me wrong, I'm one of those people...).  But when it comes right down to it, plain-jane oatmeal is your skin's best friend!

  • Oatmeal balances pH levels in your skin
  • Oatmeal absorbs extra moisture, making it great for people with oily skin
  • Oatmeal also helps hold in the necessary moisture your skin needs, making it great for people with dry skin
  • Oatmeal is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories
  • Oatmeal is full of vitamins and minerals our skin needs
  • Oatmeal helps your skin create a barrier against irritants 
  • Oatmeal contains great cleansing properties, making it a great stand-alone face wash for anyone, especially those with sensitive skin
I can attest to the miracle of oatmeal!  I've applied a plain oatmeal mask to the offending areas on my face for 15 minutes, once a day over the last several days, and the irritation is noticeably improved.  When I rinse the oatmeal off, I don't rub or scrub, I just rinse with warm water.

I always follow the oatmeal mask with almond oil, which also helps to condition and heal the irritated skin and relieve the itchiness of eczema.  I seriously can't believe the difference it has made in just TWO DAYS!!

I was so desperate to do treat the eczema that I didn't even think about taking a "before" picture that could be compared with the after pictures.  Trust me, though, oatmeal is amazing!!!

Still not my face... I'm not quite that brave! :)

I'm so excited about OATMEAL as a beauty product, that I'm seriously considering some very basic recipes that anyone can throw together.  Till next time, friends... enjoy your OATMEAL!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

DIY Backpack Wall... Cute AND Functional!

 I can't even tell you how glad I am that spring is finally here!  Nothing lifts the spirits like seeing the new life in trees, plants, and flowers... there is no green like "spring" green!

This is not to say I spent the winter pining away for brighter outdoor colors and warmer weather!  Certainly not!  My husband (who was ever-so-patient with me) helped me remodel a wall in our kitchen to make it more functional.  But, because we also have to look at it all the time, it also had to be VERY cute!

For all my searching, I couldn't find a "before" picture, so let me paint it for you:  A useless wall, in front of which sat a beautiful, wrought-iron, classic baker's rack that was all but invisible under coats, sweaters, hats, and anything else that could be hung on it.  I suppose it was functional, but we weren't happy.

So, this mind of mine that has been laying dormant for YEARS (seriously...I have witnesses...) went to work figuring out what to do with that wall.

Yes, paint is a requirement, of course!  And that is something the kiddos can help with, so we had a blast!

I also love (LOVE) beadboard, so that was a must, and then we needed a shelf to display stuff on...but the shelf had to be high enough and shallow enough that we wouldn't ram our heads into it.  Functional, remember?  OH!  And cute hooks/knobs for bags, purses, and backpacks!

Sorry, but I'm a stickler... coats really do belong in the coat closet.  They cover everything, and I didn't want to lose sight of my second-ever home improvement project.  :)


Ahhhhh.... we love it!   When we were done, we decided that we couldn't just put the plain ol' plastic switch plate back on, so I went out to Etsy and found one.  Like it?  Here's where you can find one like it, and sooooo many more!

I also redecorated our daughters' bathroom, so there'll be a post on that soon, too.  It was a busy winter!

Till next time, friends!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

DIY Gentle Mascara Remover

It's been a long time since my last post, and I've had a few things up my sleeves that I've been dying to share with you!

But, for today, we'll start with the most gentle eye-makeup/mascara remover ever...and the best part?  It's effective even on waterproof mascara!

Eyemakeup remover doesn't have to cost a fortune, and yet some companies will sell it for $15 or more.  WHAT???  Sadly, there are so many of us who are willing to pay to pay that much, not realizing we can either make it ourselves, or buy it from a friend who is wiling to make it for us.

Aside from cost, we also need to consider what goes into those manufactured makeup removers.  The ones that say "oil free" and yet there is an oily substance that separates from the rest of it...hmmm...

Well, mine does actually have a bit of oil in it (honesty is the best policy, right?), but just a smidge, and it's extremely gentle.  You don't even know it's there, but it helps to release the mascara while also moisturizing the delicate skin around your eyes.

  • 1/4 tsp - Grapeseed oil
  • 2 tsp - Burts Bees baby shampoo (any tear-free shampoo will work, but Burts Bees smells the best...and it's worth the price because it will last FOREVER because you use so little of it with each batch.)
  • 2 drops Lemon essential oil
  • 2 drops Lavender esssential oil
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • (Note:  I doubled this recipe for the container I used in the picture above.)

The essential oils are specifically chosen for their ability to cleanse and remove, erm, "debris" from deep down in the skin pores and hair follicles around the eyes.

Always shake well before using, and be amazed at the results!

Till next time, friends...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Adult Acne...Causes and Treatment

Let's see a show of hands for all the women out there suffering from adult acne... Now, a show of hands for all of you who were promised as a teen that it would go away as soon as puberty ended?  Yep, there are a LOT of us!

But why?  It's soooo unfaiiirrrrr!!!

Acne does go away for many, if not most, people...but there are quite a few of us who are...ahem...unfortunate enough to live with acne for the rest of our lives.  Well, far into our adult lives, as far as I know, anyway.

Why, we ask again?  The primary reason is hormones.

Yep, it is truly amazing how many things we can blame on hormones, and acne is no exception.  That "T" zone we always heard about?  The oiliest zone on our faces?  Hormones.  And as we get older, we may not be quite as oily, but the acne still persists.  How frustrating!

Okay, now we know the WHY... what do we do about it?  Because adult acne is primarily caused by hormones, which occur on the inside of our bodies, we could look to internal medications, but one should seriously consider the long-term effects of pharmaceutical medications for something that is a completely natural function.  Are there real treatments out there that really help, are all natural, good for your skin, and won't break the bank?

YES!!!  And they're rather simple!
  • Wash your face every morning and every night before bed using a gentle cleanser...make sure it's something that will get your makeup off, though, that is very important.  Try Country Daisy Olive Oil Complexion Bar, with tea tree oil and crushed apricot seeds.
  • Exfoliate twice a week using baking soda.  What? Baking soda?  Yes, baking soda.  Mix it with water to make a paste, apply it to your face (gently), and let it sit for about five minutes.  Rinse with cool water, massaging very gently in a circular motion.
  • Apply toner to keep skin fresh and reduce pore size.  This step is optional, but I highly recommend it.  Try Country Daisy Skin Brightening Toner, or an apple cider vinegar toner (1 part vinegar, 3 parts distilled water).  
  • For spot treatment...this is astounding... apply Visine and crushed aspirin and leave on overnight.  For a daytime treatment, just apply the Visine.  
  • Moisturize using a coconut oil moisturizer.  Why coconut oil?  It is antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, and very moisturizing.  Try Country Daisy Perfect Moisturizer, customized for your skin needs, or fragrance preference.  I prefer grapefruit and tea tree oils, as they are perfect for my hormonal oily skin.
I've made a skin care regimen that works well for my crazy skin, and it's for sale in my store if you'd like to try it as well.  But, if you're willing to experiment, then I highly encourage it!  But look for natural or organic options and try to do this yourself so you know what is going into your products.  It's really quite easy, and cost effective when it's done right. :)

While cleansing twice a day and exfoliating twice a week helps a great deal, there is more that can be done from the inside out to help improve the vicious acne that seeks to attack us.  But what, you ask?    
  • Exercise!!!  Believe it or not, exercising and sweating, cleanses our body of toxins...the same toxins that clog up the pores in our face.  By sweating, we are doing our skin a huge favor.
  • Drink lots of water.  Our bodies are made up mostly of water, and that water needs to be replenished and refreshed.  Doctors aren't kidding when they tell you to drink water when you're sick... it literally flushes you out!  Just what we need for our skin, as well! 
  • De-stress...yep, stress will cause and/or exacerbate acne.  So, find a way to keep your stress down. That's not always possible, but when you find yourself stressed out, do what you can to reduce it. Take a relaxing bath, go for a walk, listen to some calming music, read a book in a quiet place... you get the ideal.

I'd love to hear from others, what you've tried and what has worked for treating your adult acne.  I don't think it'll ever go away for me completely, but if I can do all of the things above, I am confident that it'll help a TON.

Until next time, friends...

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Fresh Peppermint Mouthwash - DIY-Style!

As a continuation of this ongoing journey to green-up little areas in my life I've braved the unknown and -- quite frankly, scary -- waters of...(dun dun dunnnnn)...MOUTHWASH!!  

That label probably speaks for itself... Peppermint mouth wash...DIY style!

Oral hygiene is very important to me, so things like toothpaste, tooth powder, and mouthwashes just HAVE to work, and work well. I happened upon this blog, via my beloved Pinterest, several months ago, and thought, "huh, that looks interesting...I'll save that one for later."  Well, now it's later, and I've given it a try.

Results?  Let's rate it on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high), shall we?
  • Tastiness:  4 - but only after adding a packet of stevia sweetener; before the stevia, it was a 3...not bad, but not great.  When you think about it, what mouthwash does taste good?  None that I've ever tried, so this was an improvement, even before the stevia. :)
  • Mintiness:  5  - It's awesome!  Love this part of it!
  • Long-lasting effects:  4  - Lasts nearly as long as Listerine, but without burning my mouth.

Now, you may be asking WHY I would do such a thing when there is a myriad of different mouthwashes available at the local grocery store or pharmacy.  Well, many of them contain more alcohol than can legally be sold outside of a liquor store, and you don't have to produce a driver's license or be of legal drinking age to buy it.  Whoa!  AND, did you know that extended use of mouthwash containing alcohol will alter the pH balance in your mouth, and has been linked to mouth and throat cancer?  Seriously scary stuff, folks!  (Source)

Research the alcohol content in this...yikes!!

There are also a number of other unknown chemicals and dyes in traditional mouthwash.  I've become increasingly skeptical of products that contain ingredients that I can't identify or pronounce.  Some of the ingredients might well be natural stuff that the manufacturer has chosen to hide by using it's scientific name. Why? If it's natural, just call it what it is!

Overall, I think it's an industry who wants us entirely-too-vain Americans to spend more money on stuff that can't possibly do all it promises to do without having serious, negative side effects.  

Okay, enough of my soap box!  :)  This is the first of a couple of different mouthwash recipes I plan to try, so you can count on another article or two when I've tried the next ones.

Ready for the INGREDIENTS??  
  • 1 cup aloe vera juice
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tsp witch hazel
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp, or packet, stevia
  • 40 drops peppermint essential oil
Put it all in a cute bottle (I found mine at the local craft store for about $2), and shake, shake, shake!  Then, take a swig and swish around your entire mouth for about 30-60 seconds before...well, you know what to do next.  :)  Your mouth is going to feel sooooo clean, and minty fresh!

(Tempted as I was, I will refrain from including yet another photo of my teeth...I'll just let your imagination go to work seeing stars and sparkles around my super-clean mouth!  Haha!)

Here are a couple other recipes I plan to try next... If you get to them first, be sure to come back and post a comment to tell me what you think?!
I'd love to hear your experiences with green living, and how it can be done in REAL LIFE!!

Till next time, friends...

Friday, February 14, 2014

Small Bathroom Renovation

I never know how to open these articles...sometimes I feel so awkward, like I need to have something clever or amazing to say, but, in truth, I'm neither clever nor amazing. Ha! I follow directions well, and when I see something I like a lot, I try to figure out how to reproduce it or make small tweaks in order to make it work for me. This article is much the same...

In June 2012, I got the itch... the DIY itch. Mind you, I have NEVER had this itch before, so I was both excited and concerned...was something wrong with me? I'm pretty sure my husband thought I was losing my mind (he's known me for a long time)!! But, there it was... the itch... and I just HAD to do something about it! Thus, I embarked on my very first (yes, in 38 years, this was my FIRST) room redecoration project.

Our guest bathroom is just a half-bath, and quite small. More like a closet really... in fact, our walk-in closet in the master bedroom is bigger than the guest bathroom. This room was in dire need of a face lift, and June seemed as good a time as any to tackle it!

Wow, do you see that? Yikes... boring! In nearly nine years, we had done absolutely nothing with that room. One of the reasons I chose this house, though, was that pedestal that's a keeper. Everything else? Up for grabs. So... Pinterest, here I come! I searched for small bathroom decor until I found enough inspiration that I could actually envision it in our own bathroom (see, I'm really not very creative...). :)

Things were improving in great measures! What's funny, is that when I finally told my husband I was going to Lowe's that very day, with the intent to just buy paint, he said... "well, while you're at it, do you want to replace the mirror and fixtures, too?" HECK YES!!!

The paint, toilet paper stand, and towel (robe) hook were purchased at Lowe's. The mirror and large black-and-white canvas print on the back wall behind the door were purchased at Gordman's, and the space-saver cabinet over the toilet was purchased from JC Penney. I did the two small canvas prints and the vases and flower arrangements on top of the cabinet (crafty articles for another day).

We are SO pleased with the "new" bathroom! And that DIY itch? WORSE! But, that's a good thing, right?  The more we do to make our home our own, the more we love it.

Till next time, friends... Keep on DIY'ing!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wild World of Hair Serum

In this world of "chemical-and-free-radicals-are-everywhere," shampoo and conditioner just aren't enough... no matter how great they are.  We girls just need something post-shower, or between washes, to keep our hair soft, conditioned, and protected from the elements.  Something to smooth it out, and help it recover from all of the processing, products, drying, and heat styling.

I don't know about you, but I've had plenty of days like this in my life!  No more!!

I will freely admit, I'm a junkie for hair products (and make up, and facial care, and so on), but it wasn't until recently that I started looking closely at what was actually in those products.  It's what's IN the products that causes build-up, which requires stronger shampoo (detergent...but that's an article for another day).

For example, Biosilk(R)  is loaded with chemicals  that no one but a trained chemist can pronounce, let alone identify with knowledgeable confidence.

I don't see a single ingredient that is natural... and this one definitely contains parabens and silicons.  YIKES!  Silicon?  Really?  The stuff they put into fake boobs and make oven/bakeware with?  Yes, yikes!  And this one is generally priced around $16 for 6 oz.  That's $2.67 per ounce....pretty pricey for something you can't truly identify, isn't it?

Now, there ARE good hair serums out there...for an even higher price.  A good example (that I've always really liked, but have a hard time coughing up the cash for, at $25 for 1.7 oz), is ALTERNA Bamboo Smooth Kendi Oil Pure Treatment Oil  Holy smokes... talk about sticker shock!  And there are still a lot of synthetic ingredients in it.

Ladies (and gentlemen), please, for the love of all that is holy (okay, for the love of your HAIR), read the labels! There IS a balance between high-quality and a decent price....AND it's 100% natural!!  I've made my own, and I love it more than any other leave-in conditioner or serum I've ever used before (remember, I'm a hair product junkie?!).
  • Camellia oil (4 oz) - Blocks Harmful UV Rays, Maintains a Healthy pH, Promotes Hair Growth, Conditions Scalp
  • Avocado oil (.5 oz) - highly therapeutic oil is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B5 (Panthothenic acid), Vitamin D, E, minerals, protein, lecithin and fatty acids. Perfect hair moisturizer. Great substitute for silicones!!!!
  • Castor oil (.5 oz) - rich in fatty acids and is soothing and lubricating. Smoothes cuticles and softens coarse hair
  • essential oil (customized for your hair type/needs)

Yes, you can make this yourself, and I encourage it!  It will make all the difference for your hair, and is sooooo much better for you.  But, if you want to save the time and energy, I'll make it for you.  :)  Feel free to visit my STORE to purchase Country Daisy Miracle Hair Serum.

Now we can enjoy smooth, healthy hair, knowing exactly what's in the serum and feeling great about it!  No more frizzy, bad-hair days!

Thanks for reading!  Feel free to share your thoughts or send me an email; I love hearing from you.  :)  

Here's to healthy hair, naturally, and at a great price!