But, for today, we'll start with the most gentle eye-makeup/mascara remover ever...and the best part? It's effective even on waterproof mascara!
Eyemakeup remover doesn't have to cost a fortune, and yet some companies will sell it for $15 or more. WHAT??? Sadly, there are so many of us who are willing to pay to pay that much, not realizing we can either make it ourselves, or buy it from a friend who is wiling to make it for us.
Aside from cost, we also need to consider what goes into those manufactured makeup removers. The ones that say "oil free" and yet there is an oily substance that separates from the rest of it...hmmm...
Well, mine does actually have a bit of oil in it (honesty is the best policy, right?), but just a smidge, and it's extremely gentle. You don't even know it's there, but it helps to release the mascara while also moisturizing the delicate skin around your eyes.
- 1/4 tsp - Grapeseed oil
- 2 tsp - Burts Bees baby shampoo (any tear-free shampoo will work, but Burts Bees smells the best...and it's worth the price because it will last FOREVER because you use so little of it with each batch.)
- 2 drops Lemon essential oil
- 2 drops Lavender esssential oil
- 1/2 cup Water
- (Note: I doubled this recipe for the container I used in the picture above.)
The essential oils are specifically chosen for their ability to cleanse and remove, erm, "debris" from deep down in the skin pores and hair follicles around the eyes.