Sunday, September 14, 2014

Rose Hydrating Eye Gel

Hello, friends!

It has been FAR too long, and although I haven't written, I have been very busy!

I've been on a mission for the past year to make my own skin-care products, and things started off really well!  My skin was loving all of the coconut oil and shea butter I was using...but then spring and summer hit, and my skin went haywire!  I stuck with my products, because I believe in them.  But still, how long am I willing to suffer with acne like I'm still a teenager? Not terribly long.  I'm pushing 40, for crying out loud!  So, for the time being, I'm on a commercial acne regimen, with commercial moisturizer until my skin clear up.  Then, I'll slowly go back to my 100% natural, home made products.

I have, however, just made an AMAZING moisturizing eye gel!

I was inspired by a sample I received from Sephora in a recent order, but refuse to pay the ridiculous prices for something I'm positive I can make myself.  I even had nearly all of the ingredients already, so with Amazon at my beck and call, I ordered the Goldenseal and Rosehip seed oil, and waited an excruciating two days for delivery.  Haha!

Today was the day, and here are the instructions:

  1. In a double-boiler, heat 3 Tbsp aloe gel, and all other ingredients until the cocoa butter is melted, stirring frequently.
  2. Remove from heat and allow to cool for about 10 minutes.
  3. Add the last table spoon of aloe gel, and mix with an electric hand mixer until smooth and lotion-like.
  4. The mixure will be light yellow in color, due to the goldenroot liquid. I added a single, small drop of red food coloring to turn mine pink (don't worry, it doesn't turn your skin pink!).

That's it!  It's been four hours since I applied it to the skin around my eyes, and I was very impressed with the immediate reduction in "baggage," and even now can feel that the skin is soft and smooth.

I'm hoping to write more often now that fall is just around the corner.  I've been perfecting a skin soothing, clarifying facial mask, and will soon be working on Tiger Balm for sore joints and muscles.  And with winter coming, I'd like to get started on some home remodeling...helloooo cabinets and floors!!  :)

Until next time...