Sunday, March 16, 2014

Adult Acne...Causes and Treatment

Let's see a show of hands for all the women out there suffering from adult acne... Now, a show of hands for all of you who were promised as a teen that it would go away as soon as puberty ended?  Yep, there are a LOT of us!

But why?  It's soooo unfaiiirrrrr!!!

Acne does go away for many, if not most, people...but there are quite a few of us who are...ahem...unfortunate enough to live with acne for the rest of our lives.  Well, far into our adult lives, as far as I know, anyway.

Why, we ask again?  The primary reason is hormones.

Yep, it is truly amazing how many things we can blame on hormones, and acne is no exception.  That "T" zone we always heard about?  The oiliest zone on our faces?  Hormones.  And as we get older, we may not be quite as oily, but the acne still persists.  How frustrating!

Okay, now we know the WHY... what do we do about it?  Because adult acne is primarily caused by hormones, which occur on the inside of our bodies, we could look to internal medications, but one should seriously consider the long-term effects of pharmaceutical medications for something that is a completely natural function.  Are there real treatments out there that really help, are all natural, good for your skin, and won't break the bank?

YES!!!  And they're rather simple!
  • Wash your face every morning and every night before bed using a gentle cleanser...make sure it's something that will get your makeup off, though, that is very important.  Try Country Daisy Olive Oil Complexion Bar, with tea tree oil and crushed apricot seeds.
  • Exfoliate twice a week using baking soda.  What? Baking soda?  Yes, baking soda.  Mix it with water to make a paste, apply it to your face (gently), and let it sit for about five minutes.  Rinse with cool water, massaging very gently in a circular motion.
  • Apply toner to keep skin fresh and reduce pore size.  This step is optional, but I highly recommend it.  Try Country Daisy Skin Brightening Toner, or an apple cider vinegar toner (1 part vinegar, 3 parts distilled water).  
  • For spot treatment...this is astounding... apply Visine and crushed aspirin and leave on overnight.  For a daytime treatment, just apply the Visine.  
  • Moisturize using a coconut oil moisturizer.  Why coconut oil?  It is antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, and very moisturizing.  Try Country Daisy Perfect Moisturizer, customized for your skin needs, or fragrance preference.  I prefer grapefruit and tea tree oils, as they are perfect for my hormonal oily skin.
I've made a skin care regimen that works well for my crazy skin, and it's for sale in my store if you'd like to try it as well.  But, if you're willing to experiment, then I highly encourage it!  But look for natural or organic options and try to do this yourself so you know what is going into your products.  It's really quite easy, and cost effective when it's done right. :)

While cleansing twice a day and exfoliating twice a week helps a great deal, there is more that can be done from the inside out to help improve the vicious acne that seeks to attack us.  But what, you ask?    
  • Exercise!!!  Believe it or not, exercising and sweating, cleanses our body of toxins...the same toxins that clog up the pores in our face.  By sweating, we are doing our skin a huge favor.
  • Drink lots of water.  Our bodies are made up mostly of water, and that water needs to be replenished and refreshed.  Doctors aren't kidding when they tell you to drink water when you're sick... it literally flushes you out!  Just what we need for our skin, as well! 
  • De-stress...yep, stress will cause and/or exacerbate acne.  So, find a way to keep your stress down. That's not always possible, but when you find yourself stressed out, do what you can to reduce it. Take a relaxing bath, go for a walk, listen to some calming music, read a book in a quiet place... you get the ideal.

I'd love to hear from others, what you've tried and what has worked for treating your adult acne.  I don't think it'll ever go away for me completely, but if I can do all of the things above, I am confident that it'll help a TON.

Until next time, friends...

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