Saturday, May 28, 2016

Catching up...

Wow, I hadn't realized just how long it had been since my last post... almost a year and a half!  YIKES!  Well, let's catch up, shall we?

Since my last post, I've mostly given up on all the DIY stuff... I just don't have time to make everything, and found I was actually spending more money to make stuff than it cost to buy it premade.  So, I'm back on commercial skin care and cleaning products, and couldn't be happier.  Life is good!

I have taken up acrylic art as a hobby, and have continued to crochet, which has been a passion of mine since my Grandma Valera taught me at the age of 9.  Here are a couple of the things I've done in the past year...

My family is doing very well, although I'd personally like to see time slow down because our daughters are growing up far too quickly.  Braeden is going into high school...HIGH SCHOOL!!!  How did that happen so fast?  And Kamryn is going in to middle school... it just blows me away how quickly they're growing up.  And they're wonderful... My heart is full of joy when I see them or think of them.

Anyway, that's the short of the last year or so.  I'd like to say I'll write more often, but who knows.  :)  For now, I'm enjoying the fleeting moments I have with my teenage daughters and my wonderful husband. How the man has put up with three women in the house is beyond me!  OH!  Next time, I'll post pictures of the herb garden he built for me!  Talk about elbow grease!  Haha!

For now... 

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